Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nobody said that studying for ES300 would be easy. The best way to prepare for class is to take on the objectives in little bites. We meet twice a week so there is plenty of down time to prepare for class. The key here is to prepare for class on a daily basis. If you rely on understanding everything instantaneously, as it is presented, you are overestimating our abilities, and underestimating the depth of the material. Start your studying with the objectives in mind and on hand. Review them prior to reading the material in the book. If you have an idea as to what is important (objectives) before you read the book, you will be able to locate it more efficiently as you read along. If you see something that pertains to the objectives, highlite it or tab it. If you read something that makes no sense to you, or needs further explaining, bring it to my attention in class and we will discuss it for the benefit of the entire class. As a final review prior to convening class, take a look at the PowerPoint that pertains to the assigned lesson. Reps, reps, reps. Get BIG! Get STRONG! Get READY!

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